Clarity. Intelligibility. Confidence.


Power English

Achieve your goals



Weekly speaking skills classes are offered to English Language Learners as well as private 1:1 tutoring. Elements of grammar and advanced vocabulary are taught as needed, together with current usage, idioms, collocations, etc.

Translation (French/English), translation editing, and proofreading are also available.

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Method and techniques

The ESL program focuses on both top-down and bottom-up speaking skills. Students are involved from day one, when they are asked to give samples of language from their everyday lives. They improve their pronunciation as well as the pace and rhythm of their speech. In turn, they both understand native English speakers much better and they are able to make themselves understood.

About English »

Weekly Classes

Regular ESL classes are available throughout the week, both during the day and some evenings too.

See the Schedule »


Cecelia Barker

How do you get to know a new teacher? Start here!

Coffee and English conversation go together.jpg


I’m happy when my students are happy!